Jesus Changes Everything.

“Go then, to all people everywhere and make them my disciples. Baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and then teach them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Matthew 28:19-20



What is Baptism?

In Jesus’ own words, being a disciple is something that involves baptism. Baptism is Jesus’ idea, Jesus’ command and integral to the mission for His followers. But baptism is not just some religious ritual or ceremony. The New Testament teaches that a personal commitment to Jesus is a relationship of faith, and that faith is demonstrated and acted upon in baptism.

When someone is baptized, they are declaring publicly, “I am placing my faith (my ultimate trust and loyalty) in Jesus for this life and for eternity.” Baptism is both a personal proclamation and a communal celebration of a person placing their faith in Jesus. It’s an affirmation that He alone is the leader of their life and their only basis for eternal life with God in Heaven.

At Lifepointe Church, we follow the practice and teaching in the New Testament and baptize the way the first Christ followers always baptized; by water immersion of an individual who is making a personal faith-choice. Every New Testament reference to baptism is in the context of someone coming to faith and making a personal choice to become a follower of Jesus.

If you’re ready to take this step, or want to learn more about it, we are ready to help.