Explore. Decide. Grow. Lead.
Spiritual growth is rarely linear, and all Christ followers grow at different paces at different times, but we aim to make it easy for you to identify where you are and what your next step might be.
Here is a brief description of different parts of the journey and opportunities you’ll find at Lifepointe:
You may be very new to anything related to church, faith or even the idea that there is a God who cares about you. We hope you’ll bring your questions and doubts and be honest about where you are. We also hope you’ll be open to learning from others who have already traveled along this part of the journey.
Next Steps:
- Worship Services
- Starting Point Group
- Baptism Class
- Serving Team
After exploring the options in any aspect of life, whether it has to do with schooling, a career, travel, choosing a place to live or matters of faith, there comes a point when it is time to decide. Jesus offers us salvation and a new way of living. It’s not enough to just believe that Jesus is real; a person has to choose to follow Him. We wholeheartedly believe that Jesus Changes Everything and we love to celebrate when people take this step.
Next Steps:
- Baptism Class
- Baptism
You decided to follow Jesus. And you keep hearing us say “Jesus Changes Everything.” So what does that look like for you? This phase of the journey is all about learning new truths, developing new habits and attitudes and learning to live like Jesus. Being in a group is key to this because People Grow in Community. This is a great time to begin connecting with your God-given purpose as you discover that Everyone has a Mission.
Next Steps:
- Following Jesus Class
- Join a Group (findmygroup.com)
- My Mission Class
- Join a Serving Team
You love growing in your faith and learning to live like Jesus. It isn’t something you can keep to yourself; you want others to experience the love of God too, and you’re ready to be part of the Jesus mission. This part of the journey is all about keeping yourself spiritually strong and healthy as you help others in their journey. We never “arrive” – there are still new discoveries to be made and next steps to take.
Next Steps:
- Apprentice Under Another Leader
- Sign Up for the New Leader Class
- Attend Leadership Collective
- Lead a Group or Team